Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Look, Ma, I'm Blogging

Knowing my track record, this may be the only post I ever write in this thing. So I'm gonna come right out and get it out of the way:

Chuck Palahniuk is a fucking hack.

This may not be news to most of you - in fact, I rather hope it isn't - but there's been a wave of fresh publicity with his latest book and it really irked me.

Anyway, there may be more content here soon. I dearly hope so.



Anonymous said...

I was told there would be (spiked) punch and (space) pie in here.

Unknown said...

pie? where?

falconesse said...

Sweet zombie Uthas, Tarq's got a blog.


(And pie!)

Anonymous said...

You should be on Wordpress with the rest of the cool kids, y'know.